Religion vs. Science in the News

Religion vs. Science is huge when it comes to the news. Almost everyday when something happens in the world, religion is the main target for blaming and it is made to look bad. Science is sometimes targeted when an explosion or nuclear weapon goes off killing people. To religious or regular people, science is the blame for creating such massive "weapons of destruction." News programs and radio news always look for something new to talk about to keep the businesses running and they don't care how they affect others with the blame and mind games. These are probably the biggest forms of multimedia that get people arguing about religion and science and even the smallest things like weather can trigger these debates. Examples of this are; when it rains, religious people will tell you it is God's way of crying or punishing people, while scientists will use technology and basic logic to explain how clouds and percipitation works. If news programs wanted to, they could ruin the world with propaganda and with all that power, who knows what they can fix? I believe that news channels and radio shows can and should do what is right and stop using science and religion as easy ways to create more controversy to keep the program running. I am also sure that a lot of people who watch the news are getting tired of all the "they did this" or "they said that" attitude that is portrayed so well in the news. Is it that hard to stop with this blaming and start focusing on the real problems and wars that most people don't even know about because they are too busy listening to the news about religion and science. I am not saying that they shouldn't show news about new discoveries and inventions or new churches that are open, but the rest of it should just be gone. These are the reasons why I think the news has a mass effect on religion vs. science.
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